Tory Shame: These MPs Voted To Deny Poor Children A Free School Meal
Here is a full list of the MPs that voted against providing a free school meal for around 1 million children from poor families. It includes the normal suspects such as McVey, Davis, Rees-Mogg, and Theresa May. One name that did stick out was that of Tory MP Mark Francois. Who? I hear you ask. His past expense claims include Mars bars, Snickers, Kit Kats , wine gums, Twiglets , Jaffa Cakes, chocolate biscuits, Pringles crisps and "bags of sweets". The Conservative MP for Rayleigh in Essex also claimed for Häagen - Dazs ice cream, lemon sorbet, choc ices, crisps, Starburst , Bourneville dark chocolate and Trebor mints. Among his purchases were several Peperami "hot" 5 packs. A typical receipt from a trip to his local Tesco showed that he spent £7.87 on ice cream, £4.36 on bags of sweets, £3.24 on Kit Kats , £2.68 on Mars bars, £1.28 on Snickers bars, and 96p on wine gums. O...