
Showing posts from 2023

Keir Starmer: The New King of the Corporate Freebies

You do know why record amounts of big business cash is flowing freely into the Labour Party’s campaign coffers, don’t you?  You don’t think it’s Starmer’s endearing personality that’s seeing literal Tory donors handing over their hoarded wealth to the neoliberal dream, right?  Or maybe, just maybe you know Shadow Chancellor Rachel Reeves attends private meetings with Tory donors to reassure them that nothing will change under a Labour regime.  You see, it’s simply an investment to huge corporations. They invest money that belongs to the working classes into an interest that will recycle the cash into something that resembles access to politicians and influence in decision making.  The Labour Party of today embraces corporate monopoly power while shitting all over the poor and working classes that dare to seek a little bit more than just the crumbs from the shareholders tables.  While Reeves and Starmer drag themselves from one boardroom to the next like contestants from The Apprentice