
Showing posts from October, 2021

Irresistible: Be A Part Of The Movement For Change

Some opportunities are just too good to pass up. And this was one of them. Well, 4 of them.  I  was speaking with an old friend recently, and they asked me if I was aware of the Festival of Resistance. Just the name alone sounded quite awesome. I was certainly aware of it - I have friends attending and speaking - but I didn’t take an in-depth look until just recently, and I’m genuinely glad that I did.  Let’s be honest. The left is all over the place.  I’m not talking about pointless Twitter spats, for they are merely a tool of distraction, and they serve no purpose to a movement that must come together, in good faith, whether that is to take it to the government of the day, or even having to be the opposition to Her Majesty’s official ineffective opposition.  I mean, how lucky are we? The worst government in living memory, by some distance, and a painfully lame opposition determined to out-Tory the Tories.  What a time to live. Anyway, back to this opportunity.  Today’s 4 contributors